Polluted air

By – Harshika

‘Pollution’ is not a new word nowadays as, it’s an impression created by the humans to the
environment for the benefits of their own living. Air pollution is the cause of alarming number of
premature death.
By the report of Lancet Commission On Pollution and Health on the global impact, “In 2015,
disease caused by air, water and soil pollution were responsible for 9 million premature deaths,
that is 16% of all global death.”
The human-environmental cost of pollution becomes so devastating, as it’s exposure to air,
water and soil contamination kill more people than smoking, hunger and natural disease.
Who is responsible for ‘pollution’?
Each and every human activities contributing to environmental pollution. It is quite evident that
no other animals are responsible for this mess, except humans. If we are consuming or enjoying
the comfort and convenience of Technology, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE.
What happens if air pollution gets worse and keeps increasing?
If the impact of air pollution keeps rising and not controlled by time, the air around us become
so poisonous, that it will be difficult for us to survive and for survival it will become necessary to
use an oxygen kit to breathe.
Air pollution is on of the biggest killer and challenge for all over the world, as increasing pollution
taking us towards a difficult situation which we could not even imagine.
As indoor air quality also affects by pollution?
The outdoor and indoor air quality closely depends on one another, as outdoor bad air penetrate
indoor air and cause pollution inside, and if the quality of air bad inside, it can deteriorate the
outdoor air. Various indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds,
asbestos and radon have higher chances of affecting humans lungs as compared to outdoor
Control and prevention from Air Pollution.
There are many practices which we can adopt to improve the air quality but it can be only done,
if we all humans stand together for the cause.

  1. Ventilation building design.
  2. Improved and venting stoves for heating.
  3. Air cleaning- Not air fresheners
  4. Education about Air Pollution.
  5. Use Green practices.
  6. Start carpooling.
  7. Avoid burning trash or anything.
    Estimated 7 million people die every year due to Air Pollution- WHO. Moreover, many people
    exceeds WHO guideline limits which containing high level of pollution.
    ‘Comfort is not important than million of lifes’ Hence, as million of life will be at risk and
    economies will be worse unless more ambitious policy action is taken. Drastic change in the
    environment due to human values doesn’t take us anywhere. So start saving environment!
    Because prevention is more better than cure.

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